Doodles in Artists & Writers

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Helluva Doodles

He’s just a lil guys y’a know

Another Carmilla doodle ●◇●

Carmilla Carmine doodle ●3●


They've always been a trouble spot for me so I really feel like I've improved today!

as brothers, as Muslims and as speakers against criticism of Palestine...we stand up for Palestine to protest against the actions of Zionist Israel

Some VERY messy or fast drafts.

Mostly cose I'm moving from my current home. We've keep too much sheet and are throwing half of it. So obviously no Pc time these two or three days .

Just when I broke the art block DAMN IT

+context of each Drwng on Arti

Exel's Doodles

My new oc

So ...... TWF 4 huh ...