artwork in hare_dares mob of cool ppl

Hare_dare's mob of cool ppl

Doing an eyeball cosplay mask!

It'll probably take me a while, but I finally got the pupil cut out

Mario thing I'm too lazy to digitally trace right now known as Wonderous Mario

IT'S DAPPER! or how I say it... JASPER! @ChocoAndMilk thank you!

Sketch done- Now color 😭

My lynx mask looks like a wolf mask... At least that's what googles been telling me..

Color challenge! Tag me of you want to send in a entry! Anyone is allowed to enter! Contest ends on March 20 2024

Doodles I did in my sketchbook during school :3

@Turt1e2009 done :]

Whos next?

Update timeee! Hello my pawsome pals~ I gave up on the yarn tail, BUT I found a new way on how to make floofs for a mask! and I just need to buy felt and some paint to finish the mask! *Check article for more info*


idk just a sped up video of me drawing something random :/