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Plant your Post

Making the last two missing days/posts went easyer and faster then I was thinking!!

I'm thinking of making a Post about my trees every start of the week.

also I believe I made pictures today (09.07.2024) but I gotta cheek my phone ^^"

The neighbors can always comes for a photo and today didn't let me take pictures without them again ^^ but this time I'm using those photos because they turned out good ^^
I wish they would take more care of them... instead where the ones who feed them

eh I don't feel like turning the pictures but I hope you don't mind. Took the first picture twice because of my shadow. In general the the sun was kinda in a bad spot to make photos with XD

I hope my pictures of my baby AppleTrees can lighting your day ^^

Hi so I'm going to try and upload some of the past stuff I forgot to upload.

Maybe try and work on some type of schedule

And give you some current updates right now

1. Tree3 Lost a leaf (leaf in the picture)

2. Tree5 Lost his seed and I sadly lost it...

I gotta stop forgetting to post the photos from 06.07.2024? - 08.07.2024?

I didn't make any on the 07th I believe.. Idk I have a short memory...

This plant I photographed today is called bougainvillea. There are different variants.

I hope you like it. 👋🏼🙂

Sorry for not posting the photos sooner, but here are pictures of my baby trees from I think two days ago ^^" I'm so sorry for not being that good in updating you having forgotten to take photos twise now ^^" and forgotten to upload thise ones

New hydrangea pattern for a couple of my shops.

Speaking plainly, this didn't end with the look I originally intended for it, but I'll just keep doing my best as I go along, continuing to learn. All I can do, really!

: Krita

From our neighbourhood! The pink peony is one of my favorites, and we just learned these amazing tall ones are called Purple Lupins! They smell *very* strong.

Gotta upload them before I forgot again

Sorry was busy watching sonic prime ^^"

More info be added if remember to tomorrow