Doodles in The Foxtail Community

Let's Write Some Shit Mate! :]

Doom guy and his Rabbit doodle

Aurora = Stronk Woman

i love being in a dead fandom with jesters that give me nostalgia for some reason even though i wasn’t born when it came out 😭

sapphire in pjs (i secretly gave her the same shorts and shirt i wear sometimes to sleep🀐)

Baby Wolfy

Bon Burgers

I just started drawing and made this pup I've never drawn actual animals so this is I guess me trying it out but I just think she's neat

Man boobs

Drew in Dav Pilkey's art style because dogman movie

GUYS THE CIRCLE GUARDS??? (nope i didn’t watch squid game. the gore is too strong for meπŸŽ€)