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Infinite Pizza is now on Game Jolt!

In it you must try to survive the infinite pizza by riding and shooting your way through it in hope of reaching its cheese filled center.

Take a bite if you dare!

This is A Very Great and Powerful Day! Guess who spent the last Two days Figuring out how to Use GitHub as Source Control in Unreal Engine 4...... and succeeded! "THIS GUY". Game Dev_onian in "In The Game" and Has Something to Prove.

Fixed a game breaking bug on Meatball VS Gymzilla where Gymzilla was completely defenseless just getting more pissed as he gets beaten up by the meatball. The new build is now live.

five night's at Nintendo scott testeag house 2 Trouble with freddy Fazbear Pizzeria. is Celebreating 1th Anniversary in 20 september 2020 in Gamejlolt Let's celebreated.

I make a logo for my game but i don't know if it's too surchage or it's clean...

For the past few weeks, i have been Trying to restore PROPHUNT to a playable point.

I have also Changed the startup widget to match my other projects.

You can now also choose custom weapons for all Hunters.

Players will be Flip-flopped in to their teams.

Wingman update 0.3 coming soon

been working on it for quite some time now. So here are the changes

Been working on a new level. I haven't added a background yet, so for now it's just a floating piece of land.

I also updated the mp5k mesh, added a trigger and working on texture. Just need to rig it properly.