All Posts in arts or arts

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* New texture unlocked! *

(By literally using paint irl and making it digital xd)

art of Vivian from Paper Mario the thousand year door
I thought she would be fun to draw
I could have done it better
maybe I will color it sometime later
but not tomorrow because I will be going to the beach with my family

The Guardian of the Constellations

Sum Doodles:68

(This one i'm proud of!)

Bleh, Art Fight thingies

(They're actually lore-related so posting the two together is fitting )

Holy 'The floor is lava' ?! Thanks for the 1100 followers, that's a lot

Y'all are the best, don't know how more often I can say that until you get it

(And wo-hoo, I might be back )

Pov: Me remaking art:

Silly water blob finds a small, silly figure 💧

Puzzle from puzzle and sling #Animation #puzzleandsling

Phish 🐟🐟

@MaxPryke's idea, thanks yo

Alien With Umbrella

Sum Doodles:64