general in Construct Devs

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State of early gameplay. Maybe soon will be open test room build.

In case you missed it - SEQUEL BETA TESTING!

Carnage in Space: Crucible is coming Soon*!

If you'd like to try it early and help me perfect it, read below to join the beta test and score a free copy!


If you're interested in trying out Carnage in Space: Crucible before it goes on sale, please read below!

I'm giving out free Steam/GameJolt product codes to anyone who completes the survey!


Working on new project. (Music is placeholder)

Create a page for project or do it when first demo will be ready?

  4 votes Voting finished

The arena now has an audience! You'll attract more viewers when you play at higher difficulty levels.

ALSO: Finished another cutscene - only one more left before PRIVATE BETA TESTING begins. Stay tuned!

Because everyone needs a friend.

If that's what these two are.

Maybe they're more like colleagues.

I thought it would be rude to ask.

A new character. Who could this be?

She's probably not too fond of sunlight.

New upgrade for Tuhrahkkkii: Berserker Rush!

After killing an enemy or landing a critical hit, you gain one hit's worth of invulnerability.

Now you don't have to let trivial details like dodging get in the way of a fine killstreak.

Oldie but goodie: Here's the game's space level for anyone who missed it.

Suffice to say, it's a *little* bit more frantic than the normal platforming gameplay.

Had a bit of writer's block for the last few cutscenes, so I went back to polish up some old content.

New save select menu!

It shows story progress at the top, and completed endings and completion percentage at the bottom. Can you collect them all?