Comments in D7 Studios | Scratch

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i haven't given up yet. vvv(read article)vvv


A little update on the side project, its gonna be turned into something later on but its only really testing stuff. What yall think bout this?

What would y’all like to see in the game? I’m excited for to see your suggestions.


a lil project ive been working on, any feedback would be nice (uses skyistumblings engine ofc)



Don't Die has just been released on Scratch as a 100 Scratch followers special and now it has been released here on Gamejolt!

Started tracing weapons for my game.

Adding new backgrounds, expanding the menu screen and HUD, and bug fixes. Demo version will be released on Scratch and Gamejolt soon.

All posts on TU will be in this area from now on

I haven't been working on my game lately because my chrome book broke and I did not save the files on google drive.