Updates in Fandomz's Fan Group and stuff

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Might work on my game thing again, keep getting on and off motivation about it but here is a sketch thing for a mech, I don't fully know what to do with it but it is for a character!


Just another preview of my remix, still waiting on that art then gonna edit a video for it and then it should be ready, sorry if it is a bit loud too, or too quiet, but yeah. Hope it is still enjoyable lmao

I might not do much posts and have weird responses and stuff, something really bad happened last night and I am still very shaken and bothered of it. I would discuss but it is really best not due to themes. I hope everyone understands.

My mom said I am skin and bones (really thin) because I don't take care of my diabetes, I try though, guess not trying hard enough. I also don't think I am skin and bones though, I look fine. Thought to give an update or something on life

I accidentally scratched my head too much and I have a bit of an injury there, no worries, I am ok, just probably lost a little bit of hair. Oops (was very itchy!)