Arts UwU in La Familia Zorro UwU/The Fox Family UwU

omg this is going to be epic my friends [Goku reference]

I had this drawing in my gallery and I'm going to upload it here :D

Estoy aburrida, se que pase en primer periodo en limpio pero ya que no tengo nada que hacer... Hare esto!!!

:v XD Actually this is the representation of Y/N

Miren para que dejen de crearme shipeos con @pokeramdomgreyve , osea el S X G, prefiero a Shadow mas que a Greyve y Greyve prefiere a otra chica, entonces no crean eso mas porfa...

I had no ideas of what to draw and well, a friend mentioned me in a post…: by: @Beta-17 There they like and follow xd (if they want). Well, What I'm going for, I made myself in the anime art style of panty and stocking
How was it?

Knowing that not many know me for who I am and they block me or stop talking to me after I helped them with many things and did everything for those people...