Your Art and Animations in Analog Dimension

Share your creations!

His always there… #Joltober2023

This is Dragalge, Poison and Dragon type Pokemon for today's #Joltober2023 whose prompt is Poison.

#Joltober2023 he got thirsty 😔😔😔

For today's #Joltober2023 whose prompt is Skeleton, here's Kull, skeleton boss from this game. Kull sends its hand to attack player.

*scanning* 👍


Cherro dressed like a clown for today's #Joltober2023 whose prompt is Clown.

#Joltober2023 *turns into clown*

Gaining score in Scorer Horror is cursed, cause from your score, enemies are created. Killing the enemies will yield score and the score creates enemies and so on.

That's the meaning of this art for today's #Joltober2023 whose prompt is Curse.

#Joltober2023 the curse.