
Comments (4)

What do you think?

This game looks really cool, keep up the good work ^.^

Pretty fun but also a bit confusing.


Scorer Horror v2

Version: 0.2.0over 4 years ago
v2 version with more features

Kill monsters, collect coins and get score
Beware! the more score you get, the worse the next wave would be
Can you survive? how much score you get before you run out of hit points?

v2 has 4 modes:

  • Arcade = Multi level mode with static platforms, monsters appear wave after wave before portal to next level appear. Subbosses & bosses are featured. Levels loop back to 1st level after defeating boss.

  • Endless = Endless mode, monsters appear waves after waves while still in same level. No Bosses.

  • Random = Multi level mode with random platforms, monsters appear wave after wave before portal to next level appear. Bosses are featured.

  • Trials = Extra modes. Currently only feature 2 modes: Trial 1 and Trial 2.

v2 has 3 playables:

  • Gunter (Starts with 4 HP and has shotgun for Attack 2)

  • Churro (Starts with 3 HP and has grenade launcher for Attack 2)

  • Tunas (Starts with 3 HP, has pierce shot for Attack 2 and has melee attack)

Default controls:

  • Keypad Up = Move/Aim Up

  • Keypad Down = Move/Aim Down

  • Keypad Left = Move Left

  • Keypad Right = Move Right

  • X = Attack 1

  • Z = Attack 2

  • C = Jump

  • Enter = Start

  • F8 = Screenshot

#retro #shooter #survival #horror

Mild Cartoon Violence

Hey guys, for this Halloween, play this game for arcade style score collecting game.

Beware! the more score you earn, the worse enemies you'll face!

Here's Kull, #Skeleton boss from this game. Kull sends its hand to attack player with various attack patterns.

For today's #Joltober2023 whose prompt is Skeleton, here's Kull, skeleton boss from this game. Kull sends its hand to attack player.

Gaining score in Scorer Horror is cursed, cause from your score, enemies are created. Killing the enemies will yield score and the score creates enemies and so on.

That's the meaning of this art for today's #Joltober2023 whose prompt is Curse.

Halloween is close so for today here are screenshots from this horror themed game.