Your Art & Creations in Leiger's Community

Let's talk! What's on your mind? :)

Sans drawing I did for @FireKoopaX's Megalovania remix, happy birthday #Undertale8 (even though I'm a few hours late in my country oopsies)

Check out the video:

Undertale - Megalovania (COOL REMIX!!!!!!!)
this is so undertale guysremix by metoby fox for the original song lol (we all know that but still)art by't reupload th...

DWN-030: Dustman

(Text & No Text Versions)

I've always liked his concept, and I'm pretty sure this man is a cannibal

Another 3D printed mini figure!

It's supposed to be a Vulcan holding a Starfleet tricorder or phaser, but the face really DID NOT work when he printed it.

Looks more like a changeling! 🤣

Do you know who this guy is? 👀

A friend is 3D printing miniatures, but it struggles with the small details 😅

ngl this game reminds me of a really old flash game lmao

game created by @LeSplashy so uhhhh yeah!!

Thank you to everyone that joined my community & drew their fave Minecraft mobs for the competition! 😄

And the winner is... (in the article section)

@LeigerGaming here :D hope I win!

New Pfp!
Gonna use this for awhile, took me a long time.

My favorite minecraft mob is the warden. He was a little bit difficult to draw but there he is. :) @LeigerGaming

@leigergaming PudgyWudgys Best mob didn't say it had to be a hostile mob :) Axolotl Power