fangames in Mega Man

Share your MEGA-Creations

gave this mugshot a fresh upgrade so the character can look more "expressive" in a way

left is new and right is old

Playing around with converting Proto Man's Arcade sprites to SNES specifications. #pixelart #megaman #protoman

Working on an Aspect Ratio Preview app to help me see sprites correctly as they would appear on TV from a retro console. #pixelart #megaman #snes


Real time sprite palette FX in #UnrealEngine. #MegaMan

gonna be working on a layout for the stage select for the next few days. here's a mugshot (and teaser) of one of the robot masters!


I'm building an Actor pooling system. Only 3 instances of the Buster Shot exist, and they keep getting reused. #UnrealEngine5

mega man new idea fangames ART AI

thx this:

mega man operational

mega man treat

mega man objective

mega man productive

mega man global

mega man indirect

So.....MMT have finally announced the results of the Mega man maker robot master contest....the victory was given to Galaxy Man💫🌟


Mega Man Radiant


I got Physics turning On/Off as I wish now in #UnrealEngine5. One more step towards the framework I need to make!

#gamedev #UnrealEngine