All Posts in One More Experiment

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We've just applied to gamehabitat Haven, a game studio startup program 😇 Wish us good luck and for us to be accepted! Were still a free time studio/project. But looking to change this soon with further development/release of One More Experiment.

#spawnday We have been on GameJolt for 8 years! Time sure does fly :D


Once again sorry for the lack of updates. Robin is struggling with some personal stuff currently.

Despite the lack of updates, we're applying to two programs, one for starting your own games studio, and the other ones is Swedish Game Awards (MORE BELOW)


Finally the epic DLC of Elden Ring, Shadow of the Erdtree has dropped! Are you hyped? Have you started it already?

(Please try to avoid spoilers in this community) 👑

#EldenRing #ShadowOfTheErdtree #eldenringdlc