creations in Terraria

Share your creations!

Ру:Я решил перерисовать косу душ!
Eng:I've decided to redraw soul scythe!

These were his original inspirations

~ § 🧿 § Dailys PixelArts | 141 | § 🧿 § ~
~ § 🧿 § Spasmatism & Retiniser § 🧿 § ~

Figured I may as well post this here
I couldn't sleep so I drew my (first) Master Mode Terraria character (I posted the initial Moon Lord kill like a year ago)
The shading (on the wings especially) is bad because I can't art (and I was also tired.) sorry.

Repost of a starter house I had built during a modded playthrough whilst in pre-hardmode.
The general shape was inspired from a Terraria building tutorial I saw, that I wanted to improve upon.
(That Video would be this, here)

How to build a Terraria house [Terraria 1.4 Beginner house tutorial]
Hey guys, Boii back! Here's another house to add to your guys collection!