general in Voice Acting community

"Tuesday Yandere Psychopath"
Q&A Question: We Need Help!

Faker lyical cover snippet (OG:
My Faker/Eclipse voice is not pixelated!
Strange huh?

Click Your Comments:
@NatalieBrazelton @Luigi_SSN_Mario @SeleneLpsgjfnf
@Nova_Gitz @NiceVioletAyoobDeezNuts @VisualLiam12
SSN VS. Anime Josue:
"Thursday Midnight Savage"

More of my Circus Baby voice acting, since you guys liked it so much! Thanks to everyone who left a supportive comment or sticker! 💜💜

Tari VAing, I think, my voice is...meh for voicing Tari, but it's not..horrible??? ehh???
And, Mario is there too, just felt like adding him.
Okay, I have an okay Tari impression for a guy, however, my voice sounds like shit when I try to record it, should I try anyway?

Probably gonna get a lot of hate here, but this is my first voice acting video, so please be nice!! I tried out Circus Baby's voice, how'd I do? If anyone needs VA for a game, please let me know!!

One Shot Wren VAing, how did I do?
I need some great voice actors for a Friday Night Funkin' mod!
Update: Mod canceled

I met Erica Schroeder today at Incredible Con!