
Comments (310)

What do you think?

made this fanart for you


i did it, the game is 100% completed now, this game is just awesome, i think it would be cool to be able to see the cutscenes in the extras, hyped for the dlc and the 3rd game of the series




i got the perfect shot again


lol. I just 100% the Yellow bear syndrome fangame.

And it plays, pretty, damn, well.

Good luck on the dlc folks.

Dark Charges:


Five Nights At Fredbear's Family Diner 2 : Remake

Version: 1.0.0over 1 year ago
Stable version of the game, remember to read all the TXT documents included in the RAR


Five Nights At Fredbear's Family Diner 2 Remake is a game that immerses you in the story of Paul Anderson, a young man who gets a call to work at the mysterious new Fredbear's Family Diner after waiting almost three years. With his arrival, the place is reopened for a series of five nights, including 2 extra nights, and this is where the real story begins.

As Paul works at the venue, he further uncovers the dilemma behind all the characters and individuals he previously lived with. Through subliminal messages, recordings and other implements, he expands his knowledge regarding the establishment and its enigmas.

In his struggle to survive, Paul must face eight dangerous animatronics that seem to have a life of their own. Each has its own history and personality, and as Paul delves deeper into the past of Fredbear's Family Diner, he realizes that each animatronic has a connection to the events that led to the closing of the diner years before.

In Five Nights At Fredbear's Family Diner 2 Remake, players will discover a story full of twists and surprises, where nothing is what it seems and the truth is hidden in every corner of the diner. Can you help Paul survive the five nights and uncover the secret behind Fredbear's Family Diner? The answer is in your hands!


Five Nights At Fredbear's Family Diner 2 Remake es un juego que te sumerge en la historia de Paul Anderson, un joven que recibe una llamada para trabajar en el misterioso y nuevo local de Fredbear's Family Diner después de haber esperado casi por tres años. Con su llegada, el lugar es reabierto para una serie de cinco noches, incluyendo 2 noches extra, y es aquí donde empieza la verdadera historia.

A medida que Paul trabaja en el local, descubre más a fondo el dilema que hay detrás de todos los personajes e individuos con los que convivió anteriormente. A través de mensajes subliminales, grabaciones y demás implementos, expande su conocimiento con respecto al establecimiento y sus enigmas.

En su lucha por sobrevivir, Paul debe enfrentarse a ocho peligrosos animatronicos que parecen tener vida propia. Cada uno de ellos tiene su propia historia y personalidad, y mientras Paul se adentra más en el pasado de Fredbear's Family Diner, se da cuenta de que cada animatronic tiene una conexión con los eventos que llevaron al cierre del local años atrás.

En Five Nights At Fredbear's Family Diner 2 Remake, los jugadores descubrirán una historia llena de giros y sorpresas, donde nada es lo que parece y la verdad se encuentra oculta en cada rincón del local. ¿Podrás ayudar a Paul a sobrevivir las cinco noches y descubrir el secreto detrás de Fredbear's Family Diner? ¡La respuesta está en tus manos!



This game should be considered as a reboot, not a remake, but we consider that it would be better to consider it a remake because it is more appealing and it really modifies, adds and fixes problems in the story. Also, this story DOES NOT FOLLOW THE SAME LINE OF FNAF, it contains big and small modifications to fit the story, so it is a somewhat different story at the same time.

As for individuals who may be considering or wanting to create a recoded version of this game, we do not support reprogramming this game in any way. Why? Because we were previously looking for a programmer, and if you did not offer your services during that time, why would you program it now? In any case, if you are interested in programming a game for our team, please note that the base payment is $50, and all communication will be conducted privately. The same applies to individuals who are thinking of making ports for Android or other platforms. We do not support this whatsoever, but if you want to make a port, please speak with us, and we may be able to come to an agreement to make the port official.


Este juego debería ser considerado como Reboot, no remake, pero consideramos que seria mejor considerarle remake por ser mas llamativo y realmente modificar, agregar y solucionar problemas que tiene la historia. Igualmente, esta historia NO SIGUE LA MISMA LINEA DE FNAF, contiene modificaciones grandes y pequeñas para que calce la historia, por lo que es una historia algo distinta al mismo tiempo.

Respecto a la gente que pensase o quisiese hacer un Recoded de este juego, no apoyamos de ninguna manera reprogramar este juego, por que?, porque hace tiempo estabamos buscando programador y si no te ofreciste en esa epoca, porque tendrias que programarlo ahora?. En todo caso, si quieres programar algun juego de nuestro equipo, recuerda que se te pagará 50 dolares base, toda comunicacion es por privado. Lo mismo aplica para la gente que piensa hacer Ports para Android u otras plataformas, NO LO APOYAMOS EN LO ABSOLUTO, si quieren hacer un Port, hablen con nosotros, quizás podemos llegar a un acuerdo para hacer Oficial el Port.


Director: @Aurus15
Co-Director: @faridprox
Programmer: @thatdoggocalledray
Original Creator: @Hadman

Ennard and Office Model By: @ARAYATIM

Link to the original game:

#fangame #fnaf #horror #action #adventure #retro #survival #pointnclick #strategy #altgame #other #analog

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Strong Language

Remastering one of the songs that traumatized some of you for being a challenge that you didn't expect...

Small graphics test for the graphics update 1.1 to be done in the future

I keep remembering that with DLC the team was doomed with 2 or 3 years of development once FNWTT is released in the future

The truth is that for a miniature made with insomnia it turned out pretty good XD


This is an early version of the beginning of the trailer.

If you had to change the beginning, what changes would you make to it?

"We're both here laying on the ground again, The cycle never breaks, it never ends"


"Got my head fucked up, head fucked up, Saying you are beside me but you're gone, Thinking you can lie to me, you're dumb"


Get ready, the DLCs trailer is getting closer and closer

"Whatever I tell you, bеtter stay inside your mouth, you keep it private"

“Love? no, just pleasure, you need love to get things, and if there's no chance of love with the one I want... I force it. You won't even realize it, but I, David, can give you a thousand turns without you being able to defend yourself.”