
Comments (2)

What do you think?

MAN this soundtrack is SO GOOD, looking forward to see more about the game .

Gundrop Angel is a hack and slash, action packed, shooter; packed full of an entire arsenal of wacky weapons like you've never seen before. From the explosive "sugarplum" launcher, to a chemical spraying hand gun, there is always an interesting way to take down your enemies. However this comes at a cost, with each kill effecting outcome of events, relationships, and possibly make yourself some new, powerful, and dangerous enemies.

Throughout the game, you will be bestowed the power of GRACES: whimsical abilities formed from condensed spirits, allowing for genetic mutation and giving the user what some may deem super powers. Their use requires a supply of SOUL, which as you may have guessed, is sucked straight from the bodies of the damned.

Immerse yourself in Minden Alom, a world of art and beauty, as it's overrun with hellfire amidst a thousand year war, that one way or another, WILL be stopped. Know this, nothing happens the same way twice, and every player will encounter events in a different way, within certain restrictions, so be forewarned. Then again, there's always the wrath of THE DEVINE ONES following you... but who cares, I say SCREW em.

This game will begin as a Steam exclusive, however may branch out over time. Controller support will be available as well, though keyboard is the default.

@The_Phantom_Man and @The_Knights_Ghost

#shooter #action #strategy

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Tobacco Use
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Crass Humor

I modeled the table and created a texture for the top. I still need to model some more stuff, and a couple of loose items to sit on top.

Floor texture completed!

I'll post a desk design as well by 10pm eastern time

This Friday will begin the mostly consistent upload schedule, and even for the days I'm out on vacation, school, etc. I will ensure to plan something ahead of time.

We have a four way tie!

  4 votes Voting finished

So I realize its been a hot minute since I've posted last; I guess I got a little distracted with schooling. I've decided to start a regular upload schedule where everything can be found about anything I'm working on. Only thing left is to pick a day!

  4 votes Voting finished

Twenty followers release! Caution: SPOILERS

Happy Twenty followers!

What if I combined a cutsie, paper mario character style with dark atmosphere as a horror, puzzle?

So I've been having an epiphany...

Sorry about delays on updates, I should have mentioned this sooner but new posts will be exclusive to weekends, and some will be missed. I'm still in school and new hours conflict with posting/working on the project.


Pancake Productions