
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Hey, your project seems very cool, are you per chance in lookout for a musician ? I'd love to offer my services !

i recommend yu watch þis intro to game feel

because in yur videos i noticed much of it is still missiŋ, even after good efforts to add it

— 2024−02−26

Akio Takeshi is a high schooler living in the futuristic country of Maken. President Irons and his four generals rule with impunity. Robot guards patrol the streets, people are forced to work long hours, and those at the top profit from it. After hearing his mother cry herself to sleep from working 15 hours a day, Akio decided to fight back. He stole the transformation technology the generals use, and turned himself into a warrior of freedom that could topple the government: Cobalt Moon.

Fight the totalitarian regime in this intense action game inspired by Kamen Rider. Survival won't be enough. If you want to win, you'll have to do it with style.

#action #scifi #adventure #beatemup #brawler #tokusatsu #kamenrider #arcade #retro

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

An extremely important feature for any #beatemup


Added a flash when a character is damaged, because more feedback is always good

Paused development to do the game jam, but I'm back on it now. Ended up falling down the rabbit hole of checking gamepad controls and some other stuff that can't really be shown in video lol


Dodge roll complete, Cobalt Moon is officially a soulslike now

Took a few tries to get this right, but here's the dodge animation


Dash attack done


Implemented a run function by double tapping a direction. Any game developer knows that we take stuff like this for granted when it's actually nontrivial to implement


Thanks to @sosasees for the suggestion, I added an impact noise when they hit the floor. Also made them slide a lil bit


Here you can see a full juggle combo


Added a heavy claw attack. This might seem like a simple change, but I've also been doing a lot of back end stuff to make sure I'll be able to easily add new attacks