
Comments (5)

What do you think?

I love your game project, and id like to propose my help as a composer

! here is some of my work :

Here's my discord for further discussion, if you'd feel like reaching for me!


Pray enjoy !


I very like the concept! I'm theory crafting xd

Incredible game, I just miss it being easier to save and load the deck.

Something like a catalog and then you just browse, edit and load decks.

I have lots of ideas but no place to save my deck for later.

Welcome to Dataclysm, a thrilling card game that combines strategic elements and captivating pixel art visuals! Immerse yourself in the realm of strategic warfare, where you'll engage in intense battles against opponents using an arsenal of troops, cheats, and various tools. The ultimate objective: reduce your enemy's Hit Points to zero!

The game is currently in early access, with only one game mode and one set of cards to play with. There are 3 more sets planned and at least two other game modes, look forward to it!

Please make sure that you do not have any controller connected while you play on the Windows version, as it will make the game behave in a weird way!

AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Italian, Japanese





#retro #strategy #ccg #cards

Mild Fantasy Violence

The strategist is a genius chameleon that graduated top of the class in all his courses. His specialties include, military strategy, tech history, computer science. Lately is body looks weird, it must be one of his tricks...?

#GameDev #PixelArt #IndieDev


New cards are joining the fight! Undead bugs, failed clones and more! The new Corrupt() effect will prove expecially useful to remove powerful cards from the board.

#GameDev #IndieDev #CCG #PixelArt

Guns are not very well received by rangers as they are considered a cop-out and an affront to their hunting origins, but are you really going to argue with a trigger happy lizard holding a rifle? I think not.

#GameDev #IndieDev #CCG #PixelArt

Sad looking and quite derpy, Bombers have always been picked on by other members of rangerkind, so they decided to take matters in their own hands, er, tails. With Rocket-Launchers.

#GameDev #IndieDev #CCG #PixelArt

Don't be too sly around the spy, cause even if they're a little shy, within a blink of an eye, they'll hit you with a move so fly, you'll find yourself soaring on high with all the sandbags that've died. -Ranger

#GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #CCG

In ages past, the Motherboard was once ruled by a great Dragon King. His rule of the Draconic empire was cruel and mercyless, until a stranger came to his palace telling tales of riches...

Discover the end of this tale in #CheatDefence CARDS!


Storm Serpent, Lightning Dragon, Quetzbugcoatl, Joe. The avatar of the tempest has many names, all confirming of its godly status. Curiously, the color of the lighting bolts he breathes depends on what it has eaten. Don't ask why.

#GameDev #PixelArt #CCG

A skeleton's worst nightmare, AKA the Uroboros, is a dragon that embodies the cycle of death and eternal rebirth. Nobody really knows how the Uroboros spends its time though, apart from sucking on its own tail, that is.

#GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #CCG

The Cheat-Dragon's cousin, the Wyrm is a long and scaly beast, best known for digging long burrows in the server. In an attempt to convince the masses that they are as scary as their flying fire-breathing cousins, Wyrms have begun to unionize.

Many foolish knights see dragon dens as an opportunity to be remembered in legends. Frankly, I've never heard of a knight surviving a lair without missing a bit or two, no tales of gold ever came from them.

#GameDev #IndieDev #CCG #PixelArt