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Mosaic Gaming Central / The Mosaic Arts
41 Members


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Synopsis:  In the city of Moscow, Russia are two people, both brothers and tradesmen by the names of Boris and Viktor. Things went pretty well for them in their work in general, even if they were generally pretty tough. One day though, one mistake would lead to them losing everything. As they then did more work to make up for this terrible loss, the two stumbled upon a strange sight in the woods while chopping lumber…a hollow log…leading them to a mysterious world. It’s name…The Everbloom Kingdom.

Gameplay: Will be a combat-orienated platformer game. That's all I have to tell you for the time being.

Keep up with updates here:

#adventure #infiniquest #theborises #boris #viktor #russian #platformer #action

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Wanted to apologize real quick that things have been so radio silent on this and The Innerlands.

Since it's important that I keep you updated on these games so it's clear that it's still being made, I'll say these two things:

1. I'm still raising money, any patron subs will help big time.

2. I'm working on the game's engine in the meantime.

So yeah.

After considering what ways I could really show why this game is worth your donations, I think it's worth mentioning that in the near future, I'm going to be revealing more info a bit sooner than planned (e.g title, name, genre, etc.). So yeah.

Wanted to just mention that because Gofundme was tough to work with (somewhat) I switched things over to Kickstarter, so yeah just wanted to mention that…