Mega Man RS
2 months ago

First tile map w/ debug tiles test. #megaman #rockman #gamedev #UnrealEngine #UnrealEngine5



Next up

DEBUG MODE LETS GO #MegaMan #UnrealEngine

(I guess we're good to go on that Space Shooter stage, eh? )

Progress! Spawning enemies, explosions, weapon switching, and more! #MegaMan #UnrealEngine

(🔊ON!) Random Sound Effect test! Sounds like Mega is throwing everything including the kitchen sink at the enemy #MegaMan #UnrealEngine5

When Dr Wily goes HARDSTYLE

In platforming games smaller breaks in the floor shouldn't prevent the player from walking. It's up to each game to decide how tolerant, but it will also need Camera easing (not shown) to prevent the jumpy camera. #MegaMan #UnrealEngine

We've added animation for a little side quest.

It's happening.

In some games Mega Man shoots certain weapons from his hand, instead of the Buster. I always liked that. I think this test worked out well! #MegaMan #UnrealEngine5

It’s time to kick off the Live Wallpaper Jam 🎉 but first... we need the theme!

So the theme is... 'UNLEASH'

You’ve got until May 2nd 👏 Good luck!!

🔗 https://store.gx.me/events/live-wallpaper/

What if I told you the truth about what this project is will be revealed soon?...