True Human Tribulation: Errand Run

11 months ago

Progress Report - October 26th, 2023

I've expanded the map, added sub-weapons, and gave the player new animations and sprinting.

Go here for more info:



Next up

I reworked the pause screen and implemented a radar to my game. I really like what I did here especially with the pause screen as I made the black bars slide in using linear interpolation.

Unfortunately the 16 FPS gif doesn't do it justice though...

Beta 0.1.1 - Changelog

I made some bug fixes and refactoring. I also have some things planned for the future. I made mockups to demonstrate.

Check out the devlog for more:…

#Beta #Errand_Run #fade_transitions #radar #pause_screen

Progress Report - November 12th, 2023

I've implement screen effects, pre-game splashes, and reworked enemy ai.

Go here for more info:…

Implemented Sub-Weapons and Morale. Which are both recurring mechanics in the True Human Tribulation series.

Progress Report - February 9th, 2024

The game has reached it's beta stages, and it's now released on early access.

Checkout the full devlog for more info:…

#devlog #action #adventure #beta #early_access #retro #music #settings_menu

Beta 0.1.3 - Changelog

Added a sub-menu to the pause menu that displays the controls. Replaced musket inaccuracy, and implemented exhaustion.

Check out the full devlog for more info:…

Progress Report - January 16th, 2024

Implemented Objectives, Made a new map, and so much more.

Watch this video for more info:

#action #adventure #retro #tld_lorenzo #alpha #objectives #devlog #new_map #redesigned_hud

Implemented a new Enemy and Sub-Weapon. Adding a little more mechanical variety to my game.

For the past 69 days, I've been working on a new game. This is what I've got done in that amount of time. I'm planning for it to be a small wave-based fighter, where you have to survive against multiple waves of enemies. #tld_skirmish #prealpha

Progress Report - September 26th, 2023

I've added Crates, Keys, and Gates to the game.

Go here for more info.…