Puzzle and Board games
Post about Puzzle and Board games!

All characters of RoadCube!! #GameDev #Art

Similar energy, I think.

My post yesterday reminded me of this image for some reason. Enjoy!

We are now accepting donations and crowdfunding for our projects. https://ko-fi.com/beyondgalaxies


Granny Chapter One v1.7.3 BMP Possible Mode With Master Key Full Gameplay

할머니에 오신 것을 환영합니다.할머니는 당신을 집에 가두어 두었습니다.이제 당신은 그녀의 집에서 나가려고 노력해야 합니다. 하지만 조심하고 조용히 하세요. 그녀는 모든 것을 듣습니다.바닥에 뭔가를 떨어뜨리면 그 소리를 듣고 달려옵니다.옷장이나 침대 밑에 숨을 수 있습니다.5일 남았습니다.



I released a new game as part of the KenneyJam2024.

This version was created in 48 hours, but I plan on finishing the game (adding new levels, changing some sprites, ...)

You can also play it on my itch.io page: https://wasaby-games.itch.io/

#GJAsks my favourite game series is the Myst game series! Today I finished playing through the remake of Riven, it was amazing!

Introducing another new element in the Insectile world: Soothe!
While Scare is offensive, Soothe is defensive. I wonder what happens when you mix them together. Hm...

What are some other potential traits that Insectiles could have?


Here is some leak from the game (gameplay is w.i.p (work in progress) )


Eurm, lack of parents?