The Legend of Zelda
Post about The Legend of Zelda!

Didn't know that the Gleeoks had that Jaw Game.



Where's the Kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-Shattering Kaboom?!



Gibdoqueen No-Scope


Lil Icon for my Gerudo oc Scarlet :D


master sword

No seriously who is making him even more of a twink than he is bro 😭

I Have no clue why i did this ;w;

I honestly don't know why

My first time using Krita, is pretty cool for tradionalt art

#Krita #zelda

SA. 81. “Balancing the Swirled Pearls”


D - 4500x8000

Pre-Swirl: (about) 02:00:00

Swirled Abstract: 03:52:32

Total: 05:52:32

Source: Art Collab

Collab Partner: DaYo

#SwirledAbstract #Art #LegendOfZelda #WindWaker #ToonLink #Link #GoddessPearls