
The Watson-Scott Test
Gran Turismo

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(#New #Map #Testing) I've updated and resize the map-scale 8x Times since last time just to see how much my PCG tool can handle it, on top of that now map uses Word-Partition set-up and the performance are sky-rocketed gain about 4x times the performance


Test run of the Sky Track for Everchange! Setting up obstacles is tedious!!

#indiedev #gamedev #indiegamedev #unityengine #blender3D #deeprootedgames #everchange #testing #games #runnergenre #race #unity #fpsonline #testing #live #progamers #fnaf come join in if you want. this is only the test build and doesnt represent the final product i will be showing in april.


Are you looking to get your hands on the latest and greatest game before, not even released? Our gaming newsletter offers exclusive alpha testing opportunities and discounts, perks, and giveaways to subscribers.…

#gaming #testing