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0 I 👨‍🍳 I 0 Daily PixelArt | 285 | 0 I 👨‍🍳 I 0

0 I 👨‍🍳 I 0 Hell Shef 0 I 👨‍🍳 I 0

picture 1: this... is a bucket...


there's more...


pic 2: there's a sandvich in it...


I used bucket paint tool for coloring and shading... i don't know how to shade for reals... but I think it makes sense because this is a bucket...

° ^ 🍞 ^ ° Daily PixelArt | 236 | ° ^ 🍞 ^ °

° ^ 🍞 ^ ° Bread Dancer ° ^ 🍞 ^ °

Neco arc got bread (@^◡^)

#necoarc #bread

Small progress update + sneak peek of some stuff. Short announcement below.