fangames in Mega Man
Progress! Spawning enemies, explosions, weapon switching, and more! #MegaMan #UnrealEngine
In some games Mega Man shoots certain weapons from his hand, instead of the Buster. I always liked that. I think this test worked out well! #MegaMan #UnrealEngine5
(🔊ON!) Random Sound Effect test! Sounds like Mega is throwing everything including the kitchen sink at the enemy #MegaMan #UnrealEngine5
(🔊ON!) Added a random Pitch changer for Sound Effects 🤣 #MegaMan #UnrealEngine5
Shooting & damage system updates! Starting to look half way decent now. Pew pew! #MegaMan #UnrealEngine5
Work has begun on the engine (finally).
Inching forward with a tap of the D-Pad is very important to the feel of the Mega Man games. So, of course I had to program it. It feels good, and looks cool! #MegaMan #UnrealEngine5
(🔊ON!) Retro games didn't play the same sound effect overlapped, so I have to manage this aspect... Much easier to test with longer audio clips 🤣 Make sense?? #MegaMan #StreetFighter #UnrealEngine5
Process of converting the Arcade sprites to SNES specs. Reaching the top of a ladder is completely different! This is unused sprite data because the Arcade game didn't release with any ladders! 🤔
Looks like sprite animations are working well. The advanced features of the Actor Sequencer aren't on full display yet, but we'll get there eventually! #MegaMan #UnrealEngine5