Downloading games

Game Store

Game Jolt's store houses hundreds of thousands of games that are for sale, pay-what-you-want or free. New games are constantly added so check back often.

You can browse by game genres and categories in the store or by what's currently trending, all time best and newly added. Sort or filter by price, operating system (OS), browser/HTML5, maturity rating, early access/complete Status to find the gem you're looking for.

Found a game you'd like to play?

The easiest way to play a game from Game Jolt is through our Desktop App.

After downloading the Game Jolt Desktop app, simply search for the game and install it.

Once installed, the install button will turn into Launch. Launch the game and enjoy!


Why can't I play games from Game Jolt's mobile app?

Google Play and the Apple App Store do not allow us to distribute games through our mobile app. :(