
Communities are parties with your friends!

Communities are a great way to organize content and browse content based on a specific topic or a game. Communities on Game Jolt are created and moderated by users just like you.

Browse communities

To join a community, click on the "JOIN" button. As a member of a community, you can add your posts and also get posts from the community in your feed.

Create a community

If you don't see a community for a game or topic you're looking for, go ahead and create one!

  • On the browser/desktop app, scroll all the way down and click on the + button "Create a Community.

  • On the App, click on "Discover" button -> My Communities -> Show All -> scroll all the way down and click on "Create a Community"

Then start editing your community:

  1. Name: Choose a short and descriptive name for your community;

  2. URL Path: Remember that community URLs should be memorable, unique, and as short as possible and once chosen it cannot be changed!

  3. Click on "CREATE" and you’re done! 

TA-DA! You did it! Next:

  1. Customize the %$@#! out of it: You can edit every aspect of your community in the "Edit Community" page. Set a description, upload a thumbnail and header, customize your channels, make it really pretty!

  2. You can even link your game to it: Doing so will show the game in your community sidebar as well as showing the community on your game page.

  3. Assign moderators and collaborators: Invite others to help you moderate and contribute to your community.

Share your community with your friends, post about it on all of your social media through the "Share this Community" button.

Browse communities on Game Jolt

Create a community

How to post into a community

Once you join a community or two, you also have the option to add up to five communities that are on-topic with your post for more visibility. If you would like to submit a post to a community you haven’t joined, you can do so by creating a post directly from the community’s homepage. Every community has its own rules, so please be sure to read each community’s bio/description and channel posting guidelines to make sure your post is submitted to the correct channel and meets any other requirements.

Every Community on Game Jolt is different and may have its own set of rules. Always check a Community's description for specific guidelines on posting and expected behavior.