5 years ago

Well, after making the trailer and getting some feedback on it, I've launched my Steam page. Probably a solid 2 weeks worth of work purely devoted to getting everything up and running with that.

It's a nerve-wracking kinda thing, as we all know that something like 90% of games (especially indie games) make basically no money, but as I said in my last dev-log, I'm more interested in the experience rather than the cash, just hoping to make back enough to cover the steam fee and maybe a potential future steam fee or two. If you're interested in the game, I'd encourage you to wishlist it ;) .

Now that I've actually got the page up, I'm going to do a marketing push for the initial day or two and then start divvying up my time better between actually working on the game and promotional stuff. If anyone has any questions about the process of launching a Steam page, feel free to DM me or ask below and I'll see if I can answer it without breaking NDA things.



Next up

Tutorial - Creating Sweet Particle Effects in GMS2

Learn how to create your own unique and interesting particle effects here:…

So I've been creating an extended version of my #OperaGXGameJam entry (play it here: and...well, here's some procedurally generated asteroids you can mine for minerals...

You can't see them and they can't see you until they're in your LOS. Step 1 in adding enemies to Wifinite Space is complete (Step 2 is everything else).

Play the #OperaGXGameJam version here:

A mock-up of a concept I'm toying around with in the back of my head.

He died doing what he loved...Refilling the ship's oxygen supplies...

Views successfully wrangled in HTML5. Now to actually start implementing mechanics...

Anyone feel like checking out my Opera GX Jam submission? Would be swell to get a few more eyeballs on it =)


Implemented another event type. Only three more to go and the events are complete...

And now there's an information desk. See what active tasks you have and all the information you need about them, as well as a few stats relating to the ship and players.