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RTG - The Ray-Traced Game is in version 0.5.9.

90% of story is already written and placed in the game.

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Chapter 4T level design is done!

Every good level deserves a good boss arena - and every good arena deserves a good boss!

As you can see, I'm still working on that last part. Stay tuned for more updates...

I am giving out a hundred and eleven game for free. Instead of paying $170, pick what you want

What was that about the next chapter getting "heated"?


Volcano mechanics in action! Ignore the obvious placeholder graphics while you try to avoid melting.

Let it not be said that Nightmare is the only one with a cool air mobility tool!

This is the grappling hook - it lets you snag nearby walls or enemies for a lightning-fast approach! It should make a very versatile tool for Tuhrahkkkii's kit.

The Cool Stuff continues!

The Move List / instructions page tells you what all your moves are! You can also find some handy tips to help you elevate your combat from noob to pro level.

Definitely check it out if you feel lost!

Here's the first glimpse of the Cool Stuff of 2024: The redesigned pause screen!

This is a much prettier, and (hopefully) more intuitive way to change your gear mid-level.

And yes, this is based on that mockup from earlier - it was too good to leave out.

Happy 2024, Jolters!

I've got a lot of cool stuff planned for this year, and I can hardly wait to show it to you!

For now, Tuhrahkkkii's Chapters 1-3 are all (re)done.

Tune in next time, when things start to get a little... HEATED.

Merry Christmas everybody!

Cutscenes for Tuhrahkkkii's chapter 1 & 2 are now done, so that's about 1/3 of the story for Phase 2 complete.

Also, I made a balance pass to the final boss. Perhaps I'll show off to you some time this coming month.