video_games in The Happy Community! :D

Share a happy moment!

Me flexing in front of the boys! =]


A new villain comes to Dracula.

Zorai, the man who burned down your village comes back to hunt you down....and you can't beat him.

Good thing you're eternal. It's time for revenge.

#rpg #jrpg #adventure #other

I finally managed to get that cool Terraria wallpaper!!! =]

Why does I feel like this game will wait another 6 months till I'll finally finish it, like bruh I haven't touched this since the 0.0.3 update

Finally he is free!!!

Microworm โ€“ how I get the idea?

This article gives some memories and ideas, conceptions about this small but peacful videogame. Take some cup of tea and read, my friend!

Here is some short tale for entertainment. Very short tale about "What is going on" in Gala. It is simple space shooter. Inspired by Space Invaders and Galaga.

So, alien`s anthill makes invasion into Milky way.

New logo.


OMG!!! Did you guys see that?