#SpooktasticCakes Artwork!! in Caketastic Cakes

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Submit your entries in the Caketastic Cake community in the subcategory of "SpooktasticCakes Artwork"with #SpooktasticCakes by Oct 25!

(or as long as you #, I should be able to find it)


so @CaketasticCakes this is the art i made its called
welcome to G̵̢͈̣͔̮̬̑̉ͅȓ̷̞̻͖͙͒͂̍̀́̇̈́̎̄́͝ë̸̪̮͎̯͍̜́̔ę̸̧̧͍̗̺̙̗̯̲̪͖̟̅̌͐̎ͅņ̷̡̭̺̣̯̩̪̮͔͖̘́̈́͐̏̉͝ Hill Zone act 1

Zombie pumpkin! 🧟‍♀️

I wanted to make a jawless pumpkin. I tried to make a tongue hang out. Don't know of you can see it.

So, @CaketasticCakes I did try your 'blood' recipe, which came out great. I also made monster goo.

However, my monster brownie wasn't the best thing to try it on.

This is why I don't often do baked goods lol.

Results in the Article.

All I can say is...

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