Funny Art πŸ’€ in Digital Art! ✨

Share your imagination with the world!

this is so silly


So I found this website that "supposedly" animates still drawings and thought to try it. And the results really are something...

(If you want to try it out here's the link:


look guys i drew garfield on a jacket

he looks so cu- wait what

what's happening? garfield, garfield waIT GARFIE-

esp: tengo toda la tarde jugando Apotris

eng: I have all afternoon playing Apotris

#PetsWithHats i drew the picture the wrong way around lul
also can't take a foto of a dead dog now can i

(feel free not to pic me because you can't even tell what dog i drew here XD )

esp: como saber que la cordura de alguien ya no estΓ‘ con el: el dibujo

eng: How to know that someone's sanity is no longer with him: the drawing

I love food

It's not Christmas but

devious guy