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TM-Attraction: TGF v3.0 is now finally live and available to play.
I spent several hours on this new update and I've changed countless of things as well as several bug fixes. All of the info is the article below.
I hope you guys enjoyed.

How do you rate 3D character in Blender?

For the first time, I pulled off a simple ray casting effect. I got a bit of help from ChatGPT because I use it as a learning tool, so I'll be learning more on how to do tricks like this.
This was inspired by the intro cutscene from Mega Man X3.

Been working on turning the Dudaroo & Shu series into an animated series instead. It'll take a while because I'm busy IRL and have horrible focus but here's the thumbnail so far. Currently working on the script (it's ~70% done).