All Traditional Art in The Growing Artist Aggregation

All things art go here! Share your awesome creations!!

Hippie Parents

[Scheduled post] I drew this yesterday.

Old Doodles

(These are doodles from 2023, i know that is a one year difference, but i feel like i improved a lot since then!)

Oh, and warning of possible nightmarish faces and Gorillaz looking creatures.

I drew this very small so it might look a bit blurry lol

Inspired by @TemiTheTheif 's post with her character making a different choice in life ( ) Here's what happens to Jaxo if the power of the god he killed got to his head;

Pages 41/42 [the suggestion was 42, but I had to use 41] and 72, as suggested by my group chat.

The page 300 drawing, as suggested by @mareobadr .

I’ll get more suggestions from my group chat!

The page 120 drawing, as suggested by @TunAFish-ItsDami .

The page 267 drawing, as suggested by @FNAFG0d_us3r25 .

I’ll do the other ones in a little bit!

It’s done! I got bored and pulled out my fashion history book and started drawing.