Anime Art in The Growing Artist Aggregation

All things art go here! Share your awesome creations!!

So I made a model of Buggy the Clown and before you say that he has no teeth or tongue just hear me out, no matter what Buggy is Buggy even without his teeth or body and Buggy can do and be what ever he wants I dont care what yall say.

So I finished the cursed Ussop drawing and added a background.

I think it's coming out well!

I won't spoil the hair tho you'll see when I'll finish it!

Chainsaw man

Ok so I finished the face for the cursed Ussop drawing and I finished the face and finishing it up.

Sick ass hero pose because yes

Which one looks better?

Darker or lighter

ย  8 votes Voting finished

So Im making an Ussop drawing that I actually did with paint and its taking long which is the reason why I havent posted a drawing in such a long time. But so far I think its okay.

Hello! I'm currently applying colors to San's drawing. I'm taking it easy peasy and it's taking me days because I also have accademy's lessons to attend and well, did you remember I wasn't feeling well? Apparently you can get a flu out of anger

Chainsaw mans

Top tier character #jjk