Art Talk in The Growing Artist Aggregation

All things art go here! Share your awesome creations!!

yo chat go support @Lemmyloops he got harassed by an AI art supporting hobo simpy simp

хотел нарисовать что-то и моя в голове был БОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ идея и вот как он выглядит

I wanted to draw something and I had a DIVINE idea in my head and this is what it looks like

Comment your OCs and I'll make little animated frames of them for you.

(Example above)

(Bondee's Barnyard Arts) Chickling

Fear of going crazy

(Bondee's Barnyard Art) The Child Sadness.

For the comic I have to edit the Dialogue in a different color for every charter but I don't know if I can do it this week.

I go to my grandma for 1 week so I post the second page with no Dialogue

Thank you all so much for that attention on my last Dolphin Pipper post! He never had that amount of likes...

Are you really got interested on Pipper? Just curious :D…

нарисовал какой-то челик бляэ...

some fu**ing dude drew this....