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F1st Strike Devlog 1 (Menu)


Supajutsu 0.4.7 completed


Version 1.2 of MerFight is live!

With this version, both Clamilton and Jiro are playable! (And a slight -- VERY slight -- Octonia buff)

I'll probably be taking a short break before any new updates, but enjoy the character trailer in the meantime.


Potential Cover for Supajutsu

Testing new combo system


supajutsu ver 0.4.6

testing projectile chain and projectile boomerang(Exclusive to chaga's weapon )

63214 (Half Circle Back) on right stick starts chain

Chain can be canceled by short attack and dash on hit

ProjChain Frame Data

41/6/60 disappear on 30


supajutsu ver 0.4.3 testing the air system.

Goal: simulate an air dasher-lite and platform fighting lite with similar pacing and feel to normal(ground) fighting


I'm announcing #MerFight SEAson 1. It's first two characters, Clamilton and a rocky guest, will be free additions and should be out before the end of the summer.


Delicious In Dungeon - Recipe XP Trailer

I made a Delicious in Dungeon Fan Game check it out

I created this short game in tribute to Delicious in Dungeon, as I am a big fan of the show.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram


Added movement to the floor to balance combat interactions after a sweep. I can update this version of supajutsu if anyone is interested though it’s still buggy. I’m still having a steam key raffle, look at previous post for info and disregard dates.



D. D. have a classic super move called Mugen Thunder that consist in a flurry of thunderous punches and fror SvC3-RIVALS each scale of power will have different features