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I don't play fighting games so I choose Mike Haggar from Final Fight


My most embarassing deaths are storing landing wheels before taking off in flight sim game and swan diving to empty pool not realizing that I drained it couple minutes earlier in Tomb Raider 3 .


Epic Game Dev Fails: When Coding Goes Hilariously Wrong!

#GJAsks : What game do you wish would get a sequel?

I wish there would Soul Reaver 3 or more adventures featuring Raziel.

There are many turtles I've seen in video games (Bowser, Rainy Turtloid, TMNT and Devan Shell).

However for #TurtleDay , I choose Blastoise.


My favorite gaming mascot is Kirby.


Years ago I made a fighter whose abilities were inspired from Street Fighter 2 characters. This is one of them which is Blanka's shocking ability.

Today's my birthday!

Here's a cake featuring raiders from Raiders Rush and Steampunk Raiders.


I knew Star Wars when my friends talked about it when the 1st movie came out. However, I first watched it on TV.


I want to see crossover of Soul Reaver with Bloodborne but I also want crossover of Contra and Metroid.