Practice/Doodles in Aspiring Artist Hangout

Post any art piece

apollo kang...
i felt a little uneasy/embarrassed thinking about saying what he was but i think its okay considering how many times ive professed my love for that dead scotsman so... idunno
more in article ifyou care X)

I love this meme lmao
That's his mom btw
Yeah they're almost the same all around but the son is more serious most of the time

Currently on art block rn, but something peak will arrive this weekend

Quick doodle of a character I got from FuntimeTerror

toxic brainz as a legendary super sayin (pvz gw2 x dbz)

I’m sorry if I haven’t drawn something for days 💀 I’ll be back on drawing some cool stuff at the weekend. It’s just that school is killing me at this point 💀

ortega sibling reference thingy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its really roughbut it ok
gonna addthis to my pinned X)
--extra in article-->