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Peaceful company. Simply sitting still together, sharing feelings and enjoying the quiet.
Done!! I'm so happy with how it came out! It's basically my first animation, and it was really fun c:

Aaaa my inbox is flooding, I'm so thankful to everyone who followed/spread my name these past few days!
Especially @ballistix07__ for starting this craze, and @kkzin13
, @Dio_offical
for the shoutouts <3 Check them out!
Open the article for some words »
Welcome to the secret Purple Planetarium hub!
Under construction; just a way to categorize my posts early on, since we can't edit communities once posts are published.
This will eventually become a sort of mini wiki for posts about the Purpleverse and its games!
I don't plan on setting up or promoting this community until it has more content and the first game is close to release. But feel free to join if you don't want to miss anything!