Project Purple in Purple Planetarium

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Progress update ~

Implemented parallax and interaction markers! I probably still need to tweak the speeds of each layer (even though I already spent a whole day on it )

Backgrounds created using Hugues Laborde's amazing viking asset pack (link in desc)


Yeah, "MC" stand for Main Character – I still don't have any name ideas for her help?

She's the one you'll play as in Purple; energetic but reasonable, she'll lead the escape operation!
She looks a lot like her mom, which I drew a sketch of a while back.


Youhou! It's been so long since last time, and that's 'cause I was working too passionately on this – v0.1 of my current narrative game (aka Project Purple)

The base game loop is complete! Read the article for more details c:

(all art is placeholder)

My current project's game page is up! :D

Go follow and stay tuned for a first devlog tomorrow (with a vid and all)

I'm so excited about this, coding so far has been amazing and I can't wait to start drawing/animating/soundtrack-making