general in Star Wars

May the force be with you...

It's hard to pick only one as #MyFavoriteGame so here are some of my faves from various generations!

Aayla secura's death

Planet: Felucia

Clone Legion: 327th "Star corps"

Year: 19 BBY

Era: Clone wars (The clone wars era ended in 19 BBY, and the galactic civil war started in 19 BBY)

Status: Canon

Single-Bladed Lightsabers are inspired by Katana swords, Double-Bladed Lightsabers are inspired by Bo staffs, and Cross guard lightsabers are Inspired by Knights swords.

Rest in peace James earl jones

Rest in peace.. :[

Who want to watch Star Wars (more specifically, the original trilogy) alongside me?

What is your favorite Star wars movie?

Episode I: TPM (1999)

Episode II: AOTC (2002)

Episode III: ROTS (2005)

Episode IV: ANH (1977)

Episode V: TESB (1980)

Episode VI: ROTJ (1983)

Episode VII: TFA (2015)

Episode VIII: TLJ (2017)

Episode IX: TROSW (2019)

Do you think that Vaapad should be form VII, or form VIII?