Post about IRL!

To those of you who saw my Great British Bake Off cake & wanted a slice... Here you go

I’m working on ref sheets for my ocs

I also made a new oc

I swear it’s not an addiction and I don’t need to physically restrain myself from creating new ocs


If you want to check the making of this funny piece, I have posted the timelapse of me painting, have a look!


Si quieren ver como hice esta piecita vacilona, ya postié el proceso en cámara rápida, echenle un ojo!

Like or this lil goober will be under your bed

I found out if I draw a sloppy character then draw it normally after looking at it, it comes out decent😅

It's Great British Bake Off again!

So as is tradition, we've been baking! Here's our chocolate Loaf Cake


Fun fact about my school:

They have cats inside of It!

This cat WILL be MINE >:3


I 3D printed the lil thing

it's so tiny I wanna eat it

Chat I'm gonna be a scenecore boxhead thingy for halloween ..
Thoughts so far ??
I havent started on the Box, but I have started the outfit itself !! ( Sorry that the camera quality looks like dogwater x-x )
