Post about Platformer games!

Now Make your Skin For Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch

It was cool! (despite of lags) #Platformer #ExploreTheOutskirts

I love little small things like this

Asteroid man's Theme Wily wars styled


Watch out! They’re furious and attack aggressively.
Only smart strategies will defeat them!
-> Try now for FREE!
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/forrest-in-forest/id6740210661?pla…
PlayStore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.DefaultCompany…

Golden Axe
The Revenge of Death Adder
SEGA 1992

I'm doing some work on controller compatibility!
It's almost done, I just need to map a few more things and then we're good!
Credit to whoever made the controller art!