Post about Pokémon!



[Legends Arceus] I didn't think that this specific Pokemon would shine.


Here's my paper figure of Blaziken from pokemon. If anyone has any questions about this please ask me in the comments below.


Ash Ketchum in season one of Pokémon


[Violet] Catching the shiny Chespin.


It appears I've been blessed with GEIST SIGHT! So now it's time to investigate the goings on & capture these little Geists on camera 📸👻 in #PhotogeistAlbum #indiegame

🎞️ https://youtu.be/cpRcwDMNXfA

My GEIST sight has AWAKENED! | PhotoGeist Albums Case 0
Do you believe in GEISTS?! Yeah you heard me right! We've got it camera & we're on the case hunting for photos of Geists in this demo "CASE 0" of indie game ...

My favorite Pokémon of all time.

This is another Drawpile doodle I made a while back... A Pokemon idea generator gave me the prompt "poison sheep." I named it Ramson. So original.

I want to go back and revisit that concept at some point—make it cute. This is giving... Toxic.

I didn't want a wonderful I did it I caught shiny Pokemon Riolu

[Violet] I got shiny Chespin and evolved him into Quilladin, and then Chesnaught. Mine is also a male, so I nicknamed him Chester.