RPG Maker
Post about RPG Maker!

I Just Luanched My New Game Check It Out Here! :


In this week's game devlog for Nay Saga, I go through some of the initial concepting for the digital version of the game and the coding behind the first game mode.

Life is about making choices, no matter you'll regret it or not.


Ciro barre su cuarto-OST 03: Conflicto innecesario


Lucid - Devlog No. 11

[Devlog in Article]

Hey! You'll never guess what im working on! You should keep your eyes wide open for something special..... until then...

Para empezar el año, les he traído una versión inglesa de Power Star Fallen: Episodio 1, asi los ingleses conozcan del juego.


Day 14 stuff! My daily streak on Bsky is going strong!

I showcased my new battle camera a little more! And I gave enemies some new poses. I still have to update the party's sprites...